Welcome to Anchor + Waves

We want this podcast to be a reminder of Jesus, who is our Anchor, and how He meets us in every season of life. With an anchor that holds fast and steady regardless of what we’re going through. We want to take a look at how this life-defining book has impacted the lives of other women…how the truths inside the pages can impact you today…how it breathes life into dead places, shines hope into dark places and brings strength to the places where we feel most weak.

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Uncharted 117 | Modern Masculinity

Welcome back to Uncharted. On the podcast today we’ve invited back Micah Harison, the Director of the Life Center. Micah and his team over in North Littleton are doing amazing work for the community through their clients. Today, we want to address modern masculinity and how that relates to most church’s traditional views of manhood. Listen in as Colin and Micah discuss what should be at the center of our identities. Lastly, stick around because we have Tyler, Colin, and Chris on to reveal their Rushmore of Cop Movies.

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Ezra Chapter 8

In this episode, Matt and Neil continue to nerd out in Ezra, but we give you the main points up front! We talk about the Hebrew understanding of prophecy and give you some tips on how to interpret it in the Bible. We get to see how God provides both people and resources for Ezra to accomplish what God has called him to do. Ezra shows how important worship is to him by following the rules and regulations to the letter. He also trusts God intensely. He chooses to make hard decisions and trust God when solving problems himself would actually have been easier.

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Ep. 115 – Intentional Mentoring

One of the ways that we can be intentional with relationships and community is healthy intentional mentoring. It is something we are called to do no matter what age we are. It is also something that is so organic it can be hard to feel confident about whether or not we are doing it “right.” So, why not look to those that have a lifetime of experience and learn from them. Ironically that is what mentoring is all about! So, Stacy invited Coletta Smith to share with us some great guidelines and tips for successful mentoring. If you have desired to be mentored and just didn’t know where to begin, or if you have ever considered mentoring someone but just didn’t feel confident in how to do it, this is an episode you don’t want to miss.

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Welcome to Our New Men’s Bible Study Podcast

After a 2020 of a year, we all feel disoriented, displaced, and dejected. That’s exactly how the Israelites felt after their nation was destroyed, their temple ransacked, and their people exiled. Watch how—after years of waiting—God finally fulfills his promise to restore their nation, temple, and land. Learn how God is in control even amid physical opposition, political manipulation, and years of waiting…so…much…waiting. Listen in as Matt Winter and Neil Eukel dive into the book of Ezra and some of the last recorded events in the Old Testament in this first season of the Men’s Bible Study Podcast.

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Uncharted 103 | Developing a New Marriage

Welcome back to Uncharted, thank you for sticking with us through this crazy 2020. Today, we’re going to talk about what it’s like to develop a new relationship with your wife and what it means to young men to pursue mentorship. Admit it guys, sometimes we’re in a tough spot with the world where we’re expected to know everything and do things on our own. But that’s not how we were created, and that’s not what we were meant for. We’re meant to have guidance, brothers along this journey with us to show us the way and to provide support where and when we need it. Don’t miss today’s episode as Colin McFarland solo’s this episode with a couple of his buddies, Aaron Harder and Lucas Avery.

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Nuts + Bolts | Ep. 1 – Introductions

Today we’re going to be talking about introductions, which are way more important than most people give them credit for. In fact, I would say that the quality of an introduction can actually make or break a talk. The quality of an introduction can actually make or break a talk…because your introduction gives momentum to the talk. But, here’s the thing: momentum can be either positive or negative.

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Identity Ep.11 | Kip Nanninga and Answering the Call

Today marks the final episode in our Identity Series here on Uncharted. We hope that you have taken away some helpful navigational tools for your journey with Christ through this series. Today, we sit down with Kip Nanninga. Kip has had an incredible journey from someone whose entire identity was wrapped up in a sport that he played, a passion of his, to someone whose life is devoted to full-time ministry. Kip is a wonderful father, husband, mentor, disciple’r, and from the stories, we’ve heard here, quite the basketball player. Listen in as today as Neil and Kip discuss growing in your faith, choosing the correct paths along your journey, and the sweet sound of your Father’s voice as He calls you home.

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3 Questions to Help You Put Others First

It shouldn’t be a secret or a surprise that Christians are called to love (John 13:35). This kind of love—the kind that Jesus showed towards us and asked us to show towards others—is not about flowers, chocolates, jewelry or sappy songs. It’s not about sentimental...

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Ep. 3 | Scott Wenig on Touching Your Heart + Moving Your Will

We are glad to have you back for the third instalment of our Clarity Podcast. Today’s guest is Dr Scott Wenig. Scott is an amazing speaker, a thoughtful theologian, as well as a man who is passionate about creating clear, concise messages that lead people closer to the Gospel. Scott serves as professor of applied theology, teaching in the areas of homiletics, church history, and pastoral ministry. Tune in as Craig and Scott dive into the essentials of teaching adults as well as teens, changing college majors to listen to your calling, and Scott’s tough stint as a basketball coach.

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Identity Ep.3 | Mike Petrelli and Dusting Off Your Bible

Welcome back as we continue our Identity series here on Uncharted. This series is all about how people have experienced sports, recreational activities, or the outdoors in a significant way and how it’s played a role in their faith and identity. We’re really excited as today, we sat down with a good friend of the Men’s Ministry here, Mike Petrelli. Mike currently splits time between being a husband, a father, and serving at Mission Hills Church on top of his full-time position of running the marketing department at The Club at Ravenna. Mike does an amazing job of walking us through what it was like transitioning from a life of baseball to a life devoted to Christ and the realizations he had along the way that lead him to where he is today. You don’t want to miss this one.

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Identity Ep.10 | Patrick Cone and The Provisions of Our Father

Welcome back, Uncharted listeners, to Episode 10 in our Identity Series. Today, we have an old friend of Tyler’s on the podcast, Patrick Cone. Patrick is a former collegiate football player at Stetson University in Florida. Patrick now works our in Missouri at the Kanakuk Camps and is a strong follower of our Father. Patrick has an incredible walk with the lord and we can’t wait to bring you this conversation between him and Tyler. Listen in today as the guys discuss what it looks like to own your faith, the developments he’s had in his life and his faith journey and just what it truly means to lean into the Father through the toughest times.

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Ep. 8 | Leith Anderson and Engaging a Changing Culture

Welcome back to another incredible conversation here on Clarity, a podcast all about preaching and communicating for church leaders. Today, we have a titan in his field, someone we’ve been looking forward to talking to for a long time, Leith Anderson. Leith is the President of the National Association of Evangelicals, while he and Craig met while Craig was just beginning as faculty at Denver Seminary. Listen in today as they discuss how culture has changed, what it looks like to engage that culture, and the pieces that we (as preachers) need to hold on fast to!

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