6 Questions to Ask Your Wallet
6 QUESTIONS TO ASK YOUR WALLET In James 5, James paints a pretty bleak picture of the rich oppressors. They denied others what they owed them, indulged themselves, and harmed those they could have helped. While James was not describing wealthy Christians, it’s still...
What is Wisdom?
WHAT IS WISDOM? Wisdom isn’t just a series of sage sayings. It’s not always gained with gray hairs and it’s not only achieved the hard way—by making the wrong decision. It’s not even the same thing as knowledge. Wisdom is “applied knowledge.” If knowledge is the...
20 Truths About Words
20 TRUTHS ABOUT WORDS The book of James in your Bible was originally a letter, but its content and topics also display characteristics of Jewish wisdom literature, like the book of Proverbs. The topic of speech wasn’t only a favorite of James, but also of the writers...