You were made for community and we want you to find a place to belong. Finding a group is one of the best ways to become like Jesus and join him on mission. Take your next steps into deeper, God-centered community.


Group Finder is a simple tool to help you find the community God has waiting for you. You can browse all current groups below, or apply filters to narrow your search. Your community is just a click away.

Still have questions? Click here to email our Groups team. If you don’t see what you’re looking for and are interested in leading a new group, fill out the form below so we can connect with you!


Lead a Group

Fill out this form if you're interested in leading a new group at Mission Hills Church.



Type of Group

Day of Week

Littleton Campus
Day: Monday
Time: 1 - 3 PM
Location: Room M3
Frequency: First + Third Monday of Each Month
Join our group and have fun crocheting while making new friends. Our group is for all ages and skill levels.
Littleton Campus
Day: Thursday
Time: 12 - 3 PM
Location: The Mill
Frequency: Second + Fourth Thursday of Each Month
Come enjoy the fellowship of ladies who love making quilts for a variety of people and outreach missions. You are also welcome to bring any sewing projects you might need help on.
Littleton Campus
Day: Thursday
Time: 7 PM
Location: The Grove Lobby
Frequency: Second Thursday of Each Month
Enjoy a monthly book selection and great discussion with a fun group of girlfriends.
Littleton, Castle Rock, North Littleton Campus
Day: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday
Time: Varies
Location: Varies
Frequency: Monthly
Join us for monthly service projects as we build community and serve together.
Littleton Campus
Day: Saturday
Time: Varies
Location: Varies
Frequency: Second Saturday of each month
Ladies, let's fellowship with each other in God's beautiful mountains! All skill levels are welcome.

Don’t see a Life Group that works for you?

We are regularly launching new Life Groups. If you would like to be informed about new Life Groups as they come available, sign up here.