Though a righteous man falls seven times, he rises again… | Proverbs 24:16
The first person to invent a wheel was a genius. But he only copied what God had already designed into the universe, for the Lord created things in circles. The stars and planets are round, they move in orbital circuits, and life, as a result, moves in cycles. Every one-hundred years, we have a new century; every 365 days, we have a new year; every 24 hours, we have a new day; every 60 minutes we have a new hour. God designed the potential for a new beginning into the very fabric of the universe in which He placed us.
I, for one, am grateful for God’s design. Because, since man first drew in earth’s air, we have needed to take advantage of His opportunity for a new beginning. Virtually every key character in Scripture needed a fresh start: Adam and Eve after they ate the forbidden fruit; Moses, after he killed the Egyptian; David, after his affair with Bathsheba; Elijah, after an emotional break-down in the desert; the disciples, after Good Friday; Peter, after the cock crowed three times.
Our world needs a new beginning. This current 365-day cycle we are in can’t end soon enough can it? Our nation needs a new beginning. Perhaps you need a new beginning.
I am confident that II Chronicles 7:14 has never been quoted more than it has in the past 6 months, but there is a reason for that. This one verse captures God’s simple instruction manual for taking advantage of a new beginning: “IF my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and will heal their land.”
That is a big “IF” isn’t it? That is because God’s promise of a fresh start begins and ends with humility. Humility calls for honesty. It demands that we submit our pride, our prejudice, our self-centeredness, our personal agendas at the foot of the cross that Jesus died upon. It is called brokenness. God is looking for hearts that are shattered by the convicting work of His Holy Spirit so that they can be re-made by His transforming power. A new beginning starts with tears, tears of repentance over the sin that led us away from Him in the first place.
That you are reading this devotional means that you are on the right track toward a new beginning. You are faithfully on your knees praying for yourself, your family, your church, your nation. God bless you. May He be honored by your humility. May He do what only He can and grant us a fresh start to His glory. AMEN?

✍️ Credit :: Jerry Jones
Pastor of Care Ministries

📸 Credit :: Matt Rhodes
🎨 Credit :: Matt Rhodes
Creative Associate Director