Why Story Matters


Hosted by Justin Adams, Danny Oertli, Colin McFarland
w/ Special Guest(s) Tyler Wells, Chris Goble, Zac Anderson


by Justin Adams, Danny Oertli, Colin McFarland | Uncharted Season 6 Ep. 203


  • Why do we gravitate towards STORY? | 1:39
  • What stories are driving you right now? | 4:11
  • How do you inspire the next generation for your passions? | 12:01
  • Save The Cat | 19:03
  • The stories that drive us forward | 23:51
  • Movie Festival Draft: w/ Tyler Wells, Chris Goble, + Zac Anderson | 30:51

Instant Takeaways

1 | We Are Hardwired for Story

Danny does an awesome job of touching on some of the neural science behind storytelling in the top part of the episode. It’s how Jesus taught, it’s how our ancestors passed on history (before the written language), and no two stories are the same! Whether you like reading, watching, or listening to stories it’s part of who we are and how our Father designed us.

Rules to the Movie Draft

Just so you can keep up with this chaos, here is what we’re doing for the movie draft (see the pictures below for draft results and the Festivals we developed):

  • 4 people will take place in a fantasy style, snake draft where we will fill up our “Movie Festival Rosters”,
  • FRIDAY NIGHT: 5 Westerns
  • SATURDAY NIGHT: 5 Movies from the Top 100 Grossing List of All Time
  • SUNDAY NIGHT: 5 Comedies


Welcome back to our March episode of Uncharted we continue to pursue the theme of STORY. Today join Colin, Danny, and Justin while they talk about the importance of story in their lives, how it applies to the Biblical life focus, and why we’re so drawn to it. We want this to be a place where you can share your stories and relate to the everyday lives of those that you’re listening to. Stick around for the end of the episode as well where we invite Zac, Chris, and Tyler on to the podcast to do a Movie Festival Draft. We love stories here and movies are an incredible medium for them. This is a long one, but fun one.


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