Pursuing God with Heart, Head, and Hands
What do a Wholehearted Christian Life and a Great Ministry Internship Program Have in Common? They’re both holistic. I see strong parallels between the elements needed for a wholehearted Christian life and that of a great ministry internship program – or...
Don’t Be Nice to Others (Be Kind Instead)
I was at work one day, not feeling well. My co-worker noticed and asked me what was wrong. I asked him, “Why do nice people always get the short end of the stick?” What he said in response has quite literally changed the trajectory of my life. He said, “Don’t be nice....
Be Still
In my last year of high school several years ago, I had the opportunity to share a reflection on Psalm 46:10. From that moment on, it became one of my favorites. It is one of many verses in the Bible that reminds us that the world may be falling apart, but the Lord...