Jude Pt.2

The Underdogs: A Study of Jude, Philemon, Obadiah, 2nd + 3rd John

Hosted by Micah HArrison + Matt Winter


  • Where did you grow up | 1:40
  • Jump into Jude and context | 4:52 
  • Paul’s using scripture to challenge other believers | 10:43
  • Talking about the culture of Christ | 12:28
  • Openings of Jude | 14:41
  • Character of Christians vs False Prophets | 17:15
  • Sexual Perversion of Truth | 26:24
  • Cloud without rain | 29:11
  • Using spiritual gifts to serve others | 33:33
  • “Snatching out of fire” | 36:15
  • How does the letter end (Doxology) | 42:26
  • How to Study the Bible”: Mulling | 46:40


1 | Culture of Faith

There is  so much importance in taking on the culture of faith, whether it is in looking to preserve the authenticity and the truth of the scripture or in aligning our hearts with the new culture we take on as sons and daughters of Christ. The time that we spend in shaping our hearts to align with the culture of Christ it’s not wasted effort.

2 | Character of Teachers

Interestingly, Paul does not focus on the theology of the false prophets surrounding this church. Instead, he focuses on the character of the false prophets. How should this subtle idea change the way we focus on teaching that we believe is false?

3 | God does the work

In the end, while we play a part, it is Christ who works in us and it is Him who gets the glory. There is such freedom allowing him to work through us and then giving him the credit afterward. 

4 | Mulling

God is a big God, to say that we can understand Him fully and completely after only a few years of study is a disservice to Him. Being able to “mull” on sections of scripture, allows the Spirit to teach us more about God.


Join us as we take a second look through the book of Jude. It is incredible that we can spend more and more time going over the same verses, while getting out something completely different. In this episode, we focus on the application woven throughout the book of Jude. Join us, as we talk about the culture of Christ, how to “mull” on scripture, and the importance of truth in our faith.


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