Uncharted Ep. 113

Hosted by Colin McFarland w/ special guestS JON ROBERTS + KEITH CARSON


  • Mountains, Cities, + History | 2:18
  • A Global Gospel | 9:06
  • The Gospel in the face of adversity | 13:51
  • You’re wealthy if you have choices | 17:21
  • Explore, Learn, + Immerse | 29:09
  • Rushmore: Top 5 Directors (Under 5 Films) w/ Colin, Zac, and Tyler | 37:24


1 | Step Outside your comfort zone

There is something about going to an unfamiliar place. When you get outside of your comfort zone, become a tourist, and meet people from somewhere remote is one of the best things you can do in life. We worship a Creative God, a Creative God who spun into existence an incredible world and we need to see it. There is a word, Sonder, which means: n. the realization that each random passerby is living a life as vivid and complex as your own. This is a truly beautiful reflection of the Gospel and us as Christ-followers being compelled to go out into the world!

He said to them, “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation. | Mark 16:15 [NIV]

2 | Faith Shouldn’t be Safe

Often times, as Keith points out, we are surrounded by our Ring Cameras, our Security Systems, our Next Door apps which keep track of everything around us. We often feel safe and secure. We drive to church and worship openly on the weekends and that’s not the case in remote places of the world. Keith and Jon point out that Jesus never promised to be safe and our faith isn’t meant to be easy, we’re meant to proclaim the Gospel to the entire world and that can be scary sometimes. Be bold in your faith, rely on Jesus to be your strength, and pursue a relationship with your creator that is adventurous. 


Today’s episode of Uncharted reminds us of one of the joys in life. We know life has looked a little different for over a year, and we wanted to get excited about one of the wonders of the human experience. Today, Colin has two of the Executive Pastors from the MHC staff on the show, Keith Carson and Jon Roberts, to talk about the pure elation that can come from travel. They share some awesome stories from places they’ve been, crazy food they’ve eaten, stories from the four corners of the world where our Global Partners are serving and sharing the message of the gospel, and so much more.

Stay tuned at the end for this week’s Rushmore as Zac, Colin, and Tyler tackle their lists of directors with under 5 films to their credit. This is a great episode, buckle up.


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