How to Sabbath While Staying at Home
Sabbath isn’t just about what we don’t do, it’s about what we do on our day of rest. In this season when our normal schedules are thrown off, routines disrupted, it can feel like there’s a lot we can’t do. But principles from the practice of Sabbath help steer us to the things we could be adding in during this time. Adding in things that are life-giving, help us connect, albeit virtually, to our family and friends, and remind us that God is in control.
Intentional Rest – God created Sabbath for intentional rest. His intention for you and I is that one day a week we do nothing but rest in his lavish love. Practicing the Sabbath requires intentionality so your day can be as restful as possible. So anticipate the Sabbath, cook ahead, do your laundry and cleaning ahead of time so that you can create space to rest and do only life-giving activities. As you practice the Sabbath, you are making a statement that you believe God is sovereign and in control – even to the point that for one day a week He requires nothing of you – that’s how much he loves you.
Do The Opposite – Think of your Sabbath as a day that is the antithesis to days 1-6. Keep it unplanned, do what feels life-giving and connects you to God. Get outside, eat the treat, read the book, watch the movie, take a nap – go with the flow of whatever feels refreshing! You might even try learning a new skill that sounds fun to you. Developing & learning new things is like crop rotation – it keeps the ground fertile and adds new nutrients to it. Take in beauty by getting into nature, listening to music, or viewing some virtual art that stirs emotions in you. God created beauty to draw us to himself, so allow it to point you to your Savior.
Set Aside Worry + Fear – Where is your mind overrun? What can’t you stop thinking about? Set it aside for this one day. If you need to fast from the news and social media then do so. You don’t have to carry the world’s burdens or your own for today – you get to lay them down & remember that He will come again and make all things new. Your only job on the Sabbath is to rest in the love of God.
Connect With Your People – Connect with family and friends in meaningful ways. Gather online with your church for services. If you’re single or live alone, utilize Zoom or FaceTime to “see” family and friends. Coordinate with a friend to read the same book or listen to the same podcast so you have something fun to discuss. As a family, go for a drive or hike to get outside. Do things that help the kids feel like the day is different and special: stay in your pajamas, skip the daily chores, play games as a family or play outside. Just try to have fun together.
Carry Over Sabbath Mindset – As you learn to stop and rest, perhaps try bringing that same mindset to your days 1-6. Remember what God has done and will do. Actively practice laying down your worries and anxieties that clutter your mind. Consider adding more margin for rest to each day. And remember, God has all the grace for you as you attempt this practice, legalism has no place here – it’s simply his gift to us that we get to enter into weekly or whenever we need it.

For additional encouragement on how to Sabbath check out Season 2 of our Mission Hills Bible Study Podcast at
As we all know, life can get crazy busy with well…life. Everyone has seasons that don’t allow for heavy time commitments to a weekly Bible study at their church or in their neighborhood. That’s why we’ve created a podcast space where you can come and go, as your schedule allows, that points you toward Jesus and His Word. Each season hosts Kelly Brown and Kristy Allen Gearhart will discuss a Bible study and share with you what they have learned and how God is moving in their lives as they go through the study.