Personal Leadership Development

Ep.14 | Interview with Geoff Surratt

Hosted by Craig Smith


  • People chase great communicators | 2:13
  • “THE” Christian Church, contexts, and denominations | 6:04
  • Feedback on your messages is so important | 15:02
  • People matter to God | 19:02
  • How to walk the line between giving credit and drawing sources to plagiarism | 24:19
  • Get comfortable with collaboration | 30:44
  • The “So What?” Factor | 34:01



We’re not changing the message, but depending on if the message is going to be received or not, it depends on how you dress it. Craig and Geoff do an excellent job breaking down the intricacies of knowing your audiences, knowing which references to use (geographical, cultural, etc.). When you are aware of the application of the context to your message, the reception will be that much better.

2 | Put on the Training Wheels

Geoff does an amazing job breaking down what it looks like to indulge other speaker’s styles as you seek your own. He loves the way various people preach, even if it’s not his style and he’s able to utilize aspects of their styles on his own. Listen to a lot of speakers, take what you like from them, and build on that! You don’t have to be Rick Warren to appreciate his preaching style, and you don’t have to love everything about it (for example). But take those aspects you DO like, and come back to those often.

3 | Sometimes it isn’t your greatest sermon ever

In a world of social media, messages being live-streamed to Smart TVs and YouTube channels, and self-promotion we can fall into the trap of hyping up every sermon and weekend as if it’s going to be the best one ever. And sometimes it’s not. And that’s ok! Geoff makes a great point that when we’re building our promotions and our weekends around our communication, we’re building around the wrong thing. Letting go of this feeling that “it has to be the best every time” will allow you the room you need for growth and to shepherd. Be comfortable with the fact that every time you set foot on the stage, it isn’t on-upping the last one.


Today on the Clarity podcast, we so excited to bring you another amazing guest as we pursue momentum in our messages. this episode, we’re joined by Geoff Surratt. Geoff has been in ministry for 35 years as a family pastor, executive pastor, and senior pastor. He was one of the early pioneers of the multisite church movement, overseeing the campus expansion of Seacoast Church and Saddleback Church. He also served as the Managing Director of Exponential and has authored or co-authored four books including The Multisite Church Revolution and Together. For the past ten years, Geoff has coached leaders across the U.S. and Europe on multiplication, strategy and structure.

Listen in as Geoff and Craig discuss personal leadership development, the thoughtfulness that goes into your preparation and craft, along with valuing your audience in the moment. You won’t want to miss their conversation!


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