Rest is often sought after but frequently never attained. I’m willing to bet that many of us fail miserably at getting enough rest.  We live in a culture that keeps us busy with jobs, responsibilities, hobbies, kid’s activities, and more. Rest can have the tendency to fall last on our priority list, leaving us in a state of exhaustion. Perhaps you are currently longing for rest but are struggling to achieve it.

The Restless Reality

Being constantly busy affects us in ways beyond physical exhaustion. We can find ourselves growing further away from God and consequently further away from life, joy, and peace.  We have a desire to trust God and rest in Him, but when we encounter the demands of the world, we find ourselves limiting our time pursuing God saying, “I simply don’t have time to rest, let alone spend more energy trying to connect with God.”  Day after day and week after week, we find ourselves in the cycle of exhaustion and a deepening dissatisfaction with our over-filled lives.

Rest for the Weary

Often it’s not just our bodies that are tired, but our souls are weary. Restoration of your soul is a deeper rest that fuels you. Vacations are great and sleep is important, but they cannot overcome the fatigue of a burdened soul. Jesus stated,

“Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.” (Matthew 11:28-30)

It seems counterintuitive, but establishing a practice of resting in God through worship and prayer throughout our busy days allows us to lay down our burdens of restlessness and worry for rest in Jesus. The inverse leads to idolatry for it says, “I can do this life on my own.” Spending time with God is so important because it reminds us of our dependence upon Him. Give yourself permission today to recognize your dependence on God by taking a few minutes to pray, lay down your burdens of worry and exhaustion, and allow your soul to be restored by God.